Child Care Centres in Kembangan

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My First Skool @ 77 Centres

Limited Vacancies Available!

Little Oxford @ KE08
Child Care Address: 8B, JALAN MASJID, #01 - 4, KINGSTON TERRACE, SINGAPORE 418929
Full Day Child Care Fee: 1,500
This centre is not an anchor operator nor a partner operator.1Details of preschool Little Oxford @ KE08 such as monthly school fee, review, location, teacher to child ratio, teaching method, day care service type, incidental charges,map,address and contact Child Care Fees, Review, Teacher to Child Ratio and Other Details of Child Care Centre

Child Care Centres in Kembangan | Best Preschools in Kembangan

1(a). What is the Anchor Operator (AOP) scheme?

Answer: It is a scheme by government to provide funding to selected preschool operators to increase access to good quality and affordable early childhood care and education. The selected child care operators will receive funding from government to keep a monthly fee cap of $720 & $1,275 for full-day child care & full-day infant care respectively.


1(b). What is the Partner Operator (POP) scheme?

Answer: This scheme supports selected preschool operators to improve the accessibility, affordability and quality of child care and infant care. Under this scheme, selected preschools are to keep a monthly school fee cap of $760 and $1,300 for full day child care and infant care respectively.

Currently, there are 331 preschols undere this scheme.

2. Basic Subsidy For Child Care

Service Type Monthly subsidy for working mother or single fathers Subsidy for Non-working mother/single father
Full-day child care $300 $150

Table: Child Care Subsidy

3. Additional Subsidy for Child Care and Infant Care

This is available to applicants for Singapore Citizen children who are working and whose monthly household income is less than $12,000. Please check Child care and infant care subsidy for more details.

4. Start-Up Grant

This is for low-income families with difficult family circumstances. Applicants can use Start-Up Grant to pay for the initial costs of enrolling their child into an infant or child care centre.

5. Review of Child Care Centre

Please join Whatsapp Child Care Chat Group to ask for review of child care centre.

6. Child Care Centre Open House

Please visit Preschool Open House to find out latest open house or exclusive promotion from preschools.

7. What is the regulatory requirements governing staff-child ratios?

Answer: With effect from 1 Jan 2012, the following staff-child ratio will apply:

Age of Children (Class Level)Staff to Children Ratio (without para-educators/educarers)Staff to Children Ratio (with para-educators/educarers)
18 – 30 mths (Playgroup)1 : 81 + 1 : 12
30 – 36 mths (Nursery 1)1 : 121 + 1 : 18
36 – 48 mths (Nursery 2)1 : 151 + 1 : 20
48 – 60 mths (Kindergarten 1)1 : 201 + 1 : 30
60 – 72 mths (Kindergarten 1)1 : 251 + 1 : 30