First Stage of Labour: Dos and Don’t(s)

 First Stage of Labour: Dos and Don’t(s)

What is the first stage of labour?

The first stage of labour refers to the process where your cervix dilates till about 10cm. The first stage of labour can last from 6 to 36 hours. During this stage, you will experience contractions that help to soften the cervix and help it to dilate.

The intensity of your contractions can range from mild to extremely painful. Contractions usually start off short and irregular, and progressively become longer and more constant.

You may also notice an increase in vaginal discharge during this stage. This discharge is pink, brown or a slightly muddy colour. It is caused by the release of the mucus plug that blocks your cervix during pregnancy to prevent infections.

DO(s) during the first stage of labour:

Have small but frequent meals

The labour process can be very exhausting, especially for new mothers. In the first stage, you should eat small but frequent meals to keep your energy level and strength up. Try to consume foods that give you energy, e.g. nuts, fruits, bread, cereal. You should also drink water frequently to stay hydrated.

Take deep breaths

Take a deep breath when you feel the contraction. This can help to reduce the pain. Taking deep breaths can also help you to avoid 'pushing' at this stage and help you to relax.

Distract yourself

The labour process can be long and excruciating, but try not to focus on the pain and contractions. Distract yourself by doing something else such as watching TV or reading a book. This can help you to take your mind off the pain and makes the pain more bearable.

Move around

The worst position that you should be in during labour is lying down. When you stand or move around, gravity helps your baby to travel further down the canal. When the baby’s head exerts rounded, even pressure on the cervix, it helps the cervix to dilate.

Try to move around the house often while waiting for your cervix to dilate. When you need to take a nap or rest, do not lie down flat on the bed. You can prop yourself up slightly using some pillows or cushions.

Take a warm bath or shower

Taking a warm shower or soaking in a hot tub during the first stage of labour can help to ease the pain and make you feel more relaxed.


Get your partner or your loved ones to give you a massage at areas where you are experiencing pain or discomfort. This can help to ease the tension and help you to feel better.

Stay relaxed!

It is important for you to stay relaxed and happy during this stage. This is because when you are stressed or upset, the body produces stress hormones which can impede the production of oxytocin, a hormone that induces contractions. This might prolong your labour.

DON'T(S) during the first stage of labour:

Do not 'push'

Your cervix is not fully open yet. You will only waste your energy and effort if you start to push.

Do not hold your breath

Holding your breath can sometimes cause dizziness. You also reduce oxygen supply to your baby when you hold your breath.

Avoid oily or fatty foods

Avoid eating foods that are greasy, fatty or spicy as it might irritate your stomach and cause you to vomit later on during the active stages of labour.

Don’t tense up

We know it’s easier said than done, but try to find methods to release tension in your body and to stay as relaxed as you can. Staying relaxed can not only help you to cope better with the pain, but you also prevent delaying labour. This is because when you are tensed up, your body produces stress hormones that impede the production of oxytocin, a hormone that is essential for labour.


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