Best Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

 With the discomfort that comes with body changes, the frequent urge to urinate, nausea, heartburn, stress and anxiety, pregnant women may find it difficult to find the best position to fall asleep. This article provides expectant mothers with the recommended and most comfortable sleeping positions and several positions in which they should avoid.

With the discomfort that comes with body changes, the frequent urge to urinate, nausea, heartburn, stress and anxiety, pregnant women may find it difficult to find the best position to fall asleep. This article provides expectant mothers with the recommended and most comfortable sleeping positions and several positions in which they should avoid.

Sleeping on the left side is the best

Sleeping on the left side is the best when you are pregnant. If you cannot remain on one side, it is fine to shift from side to side.

Sleeping on the left side may help to improve blood flow to the placenta which benefits your baby. Furthermore, sleeping on the left side helps the kidney in eliminating waste substances and fluid from your body which then help to reduce swelling in the ankle and feet.

However, do not stress on sleeping on the left side and you may alternate from one side to another. Just make sure that you do not sleep on the right side for a long time. Getting the sleep you need is the most important.

The most comfortable positions:

Sleeping On Side (SOS) Position

Sleeping on one side, with one or both knees bent, is the most comfortable position for most pregnant women. When sleeping on the side, you can put pillows under your belly with one side on against the bed, between your knees and behind your back for better comfort and support. You can up the comfort level by hugging a pillow and putting a rolled blanket or cloth under your neck.

Half-sitting Incline Position

If you experience heartburn, it may help to lie on your back in a half-sitting, almost-back position with pillows behind the back to prop you up. Place pillows behind your back and head so that your body is on a slight incline. Place pillows under your knees as well but make sure that your heels touch the bed just nicely. Top it off with a pillow under each arm.

Avoid sleeping flat on the back

If you are used to sleeping on the back, you should then train yourself to sleep on the left side as early as possible. This is because sleeping on the back is not good for the expectant mother, especially in the later months.

Negative effects of back sleeping

When you are sleeping on the back, it is more likely that you are going to experience muscle pains and backaches, breathing problems, problems with the digestive system and low blood circulation to the heart and baby. This is because when you are sleeping on your back, the growing uterus lies on the spine, back muscles and major blood vessels.

Sleeping on the back can also cause hemorrhoids, swelling, a drop or rise in blood pressure and snoring which can lead to sleep apnea.

Avoid sleeping on the stomach

Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended and will become more and more difficult as your baby grows. Doing so will press the baby against your vena cava, which is the main vein that carries blood from your lower body back to your heart. If you are used to sleeping on the stomach since young, it is better that you change as early as possible.

If you find yourself tossing and turning in bed and unable to sleep or find a comfortable sleeping position, you can use extra pillows or cushions to support certain areas of your body and keep it snug.

Tips to help you to sleep better:

1. Spend some time relaxing before bedtime. Doing a quiet activity such as reading can help you to sleep better.

2. If you really cannot sleep lying in bed for a long time, you can try getting up and doing something that makes you bored for a while. You can try folding clothes or other mundane chores around the house. After that, go back to bed and you may be able to sleep better.

3. Ask your partner to give you a soft massage.

4. Take a warm shower before bedtime. This will help you to calm down and sleep better.

5. Breathing properly, deeply and rhythmically can help you to sleep better as this will lower your heart rate, ease muscle tensions, and promote good sleep.

6. Do some simple exercises during the day. This can promote sound sleep and keep you physically and mentally healthy. Just make sure that you do not overdo it or exercise within 4 hours before sleep. You can choose to do it early morning or early evening before your dinner.

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