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Filipino maid: details of filipino maids which include maid biodata, maid working experience, maid spoken language as well as filipino maid's expected salary.

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Agency Contact Number: 97234920
Reference Number: YK061
Name: Sign in or register now to see this
Type of Maid:Ex-Singapore
Nationality: Indonesian
Age:Sign in or register now to see this due to MOM rules
Height: 152
Weight: 64
Marital Status: Divorced
No of Children: 2
Education: High School
Language SpokenMaid Skills
English Yes Care For Newborn Yes
Malay Yes Care For Infant Yes
Bahasa Indonesia Yes Care For Children Yes
Mandarine Yes Care For Elderly Yes
HindiCare For Disabled Yes
TelunguGeneral Housework Yes
Working Experience
2009 2012 Malaysia Chinese –
2 stored
4 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
She take care newborn baby
Giving milk, feeding, bathing, dressing, change
diapers, playing with the baby.
In general of household such us sweeping, moping,
vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, washing
dishes, ironing, laundry, help ahma for prepare to
cook, wash car, gardening, etc
Finish contract

2015 2017 Singapore Chinese –
Apartment 4 3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
She take care children.
Giving milk, preparing meal, feeding, bathing,
dressing, change diapers, playing with the baby.
In general of household such us sweeping, moping,
vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, washing
dishes, ironing, laundry, help ahma for prepare to
cook, wash car etc
Finish contract

2018 2020 Singapore Singaporean –
4 stored
7 4 bedrooms
6 bathrooms
There are 2 helpers
She take care newborn baby
Giving milk, feeding, bathing, dressing, change
diapers, playing with the baby.
In general of household such us sweeping, moping,
vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, washing
dishes, ironing, laundry, help ahma for prepare to
cook, wash car, gardening

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