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Filipino maid: details of filipino maids which include maid biodata, maid working experience, maid spoken language as well as filipino maid's expected salary.

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Agency: Nine Employment Agency & Services
Agency Contact Number: 98758840
Reference Number: J-25
Name: Sign in or register now to see this
Type of Maid:Transfer
Nationality: Filipino
Age:Sign in or register now to see this due to MOM rules
Height: 159cm
Weight: 56kg
Marital Status: Single
No of Children: 0
Education: College/Degree (>=13 yrs)
Language SpokenMaid Skills
English Yes Care For Newborn Yes
MalayCare For Infant Yes
Bahasa IndonesiaCare For Children Yes
MandarineCare For Elderly
HindiCare For Disabled
TelunguGeneral Housework Yes
Tagalog Yes
Working Experience
Jovelyn S. Cantil

Dedicated and experienced domestic helper with a proven track record of providing exceptional childcare and household management services.Seeking a new opportunity to contribute my expertise in childcare, cooking, and housekeeping to a welcoming family.

Capable of cooking the following dishes:
Fried fish
Stir-fried vegetables
Steamed fish
ABC soup
chicken soup
Pork dishes
Chicken recipes
Fried rice
roasted chicken
Employment History: 1st Employer

Dates: May 30, 2019, to 2024
Duration: 5 years
Nationality/Race: Chinese
Number of Family Members: 4
Ages of Children: Joined the family when the eldest child was 4 months old, now she is 5 years old, and a younger brother aged 1 year.
Type of House: Landed
Childcare: Responsible for the care and nurturing of two young children, including feeding, bathing, and engaging in educational activities.
Housekeeping: Efficiently managed household chores such as cleaning, ironing, and maintaining a tidy environment.
Reason for Leaving: Family no longer required two helpers and downsized to a smaller residence.
For interview contact

Warren 98758840

Nina 98155429

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