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Filipino maid: details of filipino maids which include maid biodata, maid working experience, maid spoken language as well as filipino maid's expected salary.

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Agency: Danz Hariya Employment Services
Agency Contact Number: 6567146724
Reference Number: 12542
Name: Sign in or register now to see this
Type of Maid:Ex-Singapore
Nationality: Indian
Age:Sign in or register now to see this due to MOM rules
Height: 153
Weight: 78
Marital Status: Married
No of Children: 2
Education: 8 std
Language SpokenMaid Skills
English Yes Care For Newborn
MalayCare For Infant
Bahasa IndonesiaCare For Children Yes
MandarineCare For Elderly Yes
Hindi Yes Care For Disabled
TelunguGeneral Housework Yes
Working Experience
Hemrom Shila is a 30 year-old woman from Karaibari, West Bengal, who is Married with 2c,1g-15,1b-11.She is fluent in Bengali,Hindi and Nepali and Basic English.Hemrom Shila has 3 years and10 months of experience in the same house as FDW in Singapore and is interested in working as a caregiver for Children, and Elders.She is comfortable to cook both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian dishes and is willing to perform household chores such as cleaning and washing. She is coming to Singapore to earn money to support her family financially and for her Children education.She is currently in India and available for phone interview and ready to start asap. She is expecting a salary of $603*+ $47(with 2 off days compensation) with 2 days off per month..

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