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Filipino maid: details of filipino maids which include maid biodata, maid working experience, maid spoken language as well as filipino maid's expected salary.

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Agency: Top One Employment Agency Pte Ltd
Agency Contact Number: 80318200
Reference Number: TOEPSASG30
Name: Sign in or register now to see this
Type of Maid:Ex-Singapore
Nationality: Indonesian
Age:Sign in or register now to see this due to MOM rules
Height: 152cm
Weight: 50kg
Marital Status: Married
No of Children: 2 son & 1 daughter
Education: Secondary level
Language SpokenMaid Skills
English Yes Care For Newborn Yes
Malay Yes Care For Infant Yes
Bahasa Indonesia Yes Care For Children Yes
MandarineCare For Elderly Yes
HindiCare For Disabled
TelunguGeneral Housework Yes
Working Experience
Nurhayati has experience as a domestic helper in Singapore for 3 years working in a landed house for a family of 5 members.

She is good in housekeeping chores and able to cook simple Chinese and Indonesian food. She is not afraid of dogs and has the experience handling pets.

Independent and positive worker.

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