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Filipino maid: details of filipino maids which include maid biodata, maid working experience, maid spoken language as well as filipino maid's expected salary.

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Agency: Nine Employment Agency & Services
Agency Contact Number: 98758840
Reference Number: J-04
Name: Sign in or register now to see this
Type of Maid:Ex-Singapore
Nationality: Filipino
Age:Sign in or register now to see this due to MOM rules
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Marital Status: Single
No of Children: 1(18y/o)
Education: High School (10~12 yrs)
Language SpokenMaid Skills
English Yes Care For Newborn Yes
MalayCare For Infant Yes
Bahasa IndonesiaCare For Children Yes
MandarineCare For Elderly Yes
HindiCare For Disabled
TelunguGeneral Housework Yes
Tagalog Yes
Working Experience
Name: Delly Casa Legario
Nationality: Filipino
1st Employer
Date: October 2012 to October 2014
Number of Members in the Family: 5
Age of Children (When Joined): 33, 27, 21
Duties: Primarily focused on cleaning and cooking.
Culinary Skills: Proficient in preparing Chinese soups, chicken curry, steamed fish, and stir-fried vegetables.
Reason for Leaving: Completed contract term.
2nd Employer
Date: 2015 to 2017
Number of Members in the Family: 5
Age of Children (When Joined): 16, 15, 13
Duties: Versatile in all household tasks.
Reason for Leaving: Successfully fulfilled contract obligations.

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