Fundamental causes of the male infertility are low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, hormonal imbalance and testicular damage. These account for more than 90% of all the male infertility.
Unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to the these factors:
1. Smoking. Smoking significantly decreases both sperm count and sperm cell motility - an important measure of sperm quality.
2. Alcohol. Alcohol is toxic to the sperm producing cells and it also contributes to the hormonal imbalance.
3. Overly intense exercise. This produces a very high level of adrenal steroid hormones which can cause infertility.
4. Tight underwear. This increases the scrotal temperature which can result in a decrease in sperm production as sperms survive better at low temperature.
5. Excessive stress. Some studies have reported that couples are more likely to succeed in months when they feel relaxed and good and pregnancy is less likely to occur when they feel intense and stressful.
6. Inadequate vitamin D and Zinc in the diet. Vitamin D is essential for the development of the sperm cells and it also helps to maintain the sperm counts and semen quality. Zinc can directly impact the sperm count as it is found in high concentration in the sperm.