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Life Skill Learning Schedule for 12 to 24 months Old Baby


Task Items Commencement of Training Completion at
Indicate that they need to poo poo 11 months 13 months
Put things into mouth using spoon 12 months 14 months
Look for potty when they want to poo poo 12 months 15 months
Eat on their own using spoon 15 months 18 months
Drink water in a cup without spraying 15 months 18 months
Take off shoes on their own 15 months 18 months
Wipe table and sweep floor 15 months 18 months
Wash hand and dry it 17 months 22 months
Use handkerchief to clean mouth and nose 18 months 24 months
Take off T-shirt on their own 18 months 24 months
Take off trouser on their own 21 months 24 months

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