Hand and Foot Jitter
Some infants, after birth, will see their hands or feet jittering. Some parents are very worried that this has to do with convulsion. In fact, it is normal to see your baby jitter. However, if the jittering movement does not stop 2 months after birth, parents should consider consulting doctors for further advice.
After birth, the infant's nervous system is not mature yet. This may cause the hands or feet to tremble involuntarily. Some parents think that this movement is due to lack of calcium or some even worry that this is convulsion. Actually, this kind of movement is normal for infant below 2 months old. When their nervous system is mature, this jittery movement will then disappear.
If it is the convulsion or lack of calcium that causes the baby to tremble, it will normally be associated with other abnormalities such as fever and the baby seems to be fidgety.
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